Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I love Field Day

Today was Field Day at TALES!

I saw the students go out and enjoy the park a little bit before the rain came down. Students got a little wet but they had a lot of fun.

Then, after lunch the whole school watched The Lion King! That is one of my favorite movies.

A song got stuck in my head! Can you guess what it is?

Click HERE to find out what Mr. Apple's favorite song is.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who is Mr. Apple?

I am Mr. Apple!

Today the students of TALES received the very first TALES Yearbook. There are pictures of me in it!

I kept hearing kidnergarten and first grade students taking guesses about who Mr. Apple really is. I don't understand! I AM MR. APPLE!

Students have been guessing that there is someone in a costume. That is no costume, that's really me, Mr. Apple!

Students have been guessing that it's really Mr. Tolentino, or Mr. Groff, or Ms. Esther, or Mr. Ledesma, or another teacher. Not true! I AM MR. APPLE!

Sometimes my wife, Mrs. Apple, comes to events as well. I don't understand why there are rumors about who we are.

So, I will finally put this rumor to rest. I will tell you who Mr. Apple really is...

... Mr. Apple is ...


Friday, June 19, 2009

The kindergarteners are so mature now

I've been watching the kindergarten classes practice for their Moving Up Ceremony. They seem so mature now.

When they first came in they didn't know the rules of the school, many of them didn't know how to read, they didn't know how to write, and they didn't know a lot of the science information they know now.

But, now they seem all grown up. I always see them sitting criss cross, raising quiet thumbs, reading books, writing sentences, and sharing all the new information they've learned.

I can't wait until the Moving Up Ceremony next Thursday, June 26th at 2:30pm to watch the kindergarteners and their families celebrate a successful year.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Art Show today!!!!

Mr. Apple has been busy looking at all the beautiful art on display in the multi-purpose room of the school.

I am looking forward to seeing all the students and families tonight at 6pm.

I wonder who will high five me tonight?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The fight against poverty at TALES

The first graders today talked about how to help people living in poverty.

They came up with solutions such as:
- donating money to charity
- helping people find jobs
- finding places for people to live
- building affordable housing
- asking leaders to create jobs

At the end of the lesson, Ms. C. dropped by and also suggested that you can donate your old clothes to people who need them. What a great idea!

It sounds like the first graders of TALES are going to be great leaders when they grow up.

Mr. Apple is so proud of the first graders for coming up with these great ideas!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can't wait until the art show

I noticed today that students throughout TALES were getting their characters and settings ready for the Art Show with Ms. Rachel.

I saw a sign posted that says the Art Show will be on Thursday, June 11th after school.

I can't wait until the art show.

Mr. Apple loves art!!!!!