Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ms. Marguerita's Blog

Ms. Marguerita, the new FAN4Kids teacher at TALES started her own blog!  Isn't that exciting?

If you go to http://healthytales.blogspot.com/ you can see what the students of TALES have been up to.  You'll read all about their physical fitness and nutrition classes.  And, I heard she's going to try to put pictures and videos up for you to enjoy.

I love eating healthy and exercising, so I know I'm going to love this website!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I've been watching the kindergarten science classes learn all about trees. That's so cool!

Did you know that I came from a tree?

I can't to find out what they learn about trees this year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A New School Year

I am so excited to start a new school year with the students at TALES. There are so many students that I remember from last year and there are so many new students that I can't wait to meet.

Have you noticed the big posters of me, Mr. Apple, in the staircase hallway? Aren't they neat?

I look so handsome in those pictures.

I can't wait to see what you are all learning about.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I love Field Day

Today was Field Day at TALES!

I saw the students go out and enjoy the park a little bit before the rain came down. Students got a little wet but they had a lot of fun.

Then, after lunch the whole school watched The Lion King! That is one of my favorite movies.

A song got stuck in my head! Can you guess what it is?

Click HERE to find out what Mr. Apple's favorite song is.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who is Mr. Apple?

I am Mr. Apple!

Today the students of TALES received the very first TALES Yearbook. There are pictures of me in it!

I kept hearing kidnergarten and first grade students taking guesses about who Mr. Apple really is. I don't understand! I AM MR. APPLE!

Students have been guessing that there is someone in a costume. That is no costume, that's really me, Mr. Apple!

Students have been guessing that it's really Mr. Tolentino, or Mr. Groff, or Ms. Esther, or Mr. Ledesma, or another teacher. Not true! I AM MR. APPLE!

Sometimes my wife, Mrs. Apple, comes to events as well. I don't understand why there are rumors about who we are.

So, I will finally put this rumor to rest. I will tell you who Mr. Apple really is...

... Mr. Apple is ...


Friday, June 19, 2009

The kindergarteners are so mature now

I've been watching the kindergarten classes practice for their Moving Up Ceremony. They seem so mature now.

When they first came in they didn't know the rules of the school, many of them didn't know how to read, they didn't know how to write, and they didn't know a lot of the science information they know now.

But, now they seem all grown up. I always see them sitting criss cross, raising quiet thumbs, reading books, writing sentences, and sharing all the new information they've learned.

I can't wait until the Moving Up Ceremony next Thursday, June 26th at 2:30pm to watch the kindergarteners and their families celebrate a successful year.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Art Show today!!!!

Mr. Apple has been busy looking at all the beautiful art on display in the multi-purpose room of the school.

I am looking forward to seeing all the students and families tonight at 6pm.

I wonder who will high five me tonight?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The fight against poverty at TALES

The first graders today talked about how to help people living in poverty.

They came up with solutions such as:
- donating money to charity
- helping people find jobs
- finding places for people to live
- building affordable housing
- asking leaders to create jobs

At the end of the lesson, Ms. C. dropped by and also suggested that you can donate your old clothes to people who need them. What a great idea!

It sounds like the first graders of TALES are going to be great leaders when they grow up.

Mr. Apple is so proud of the first graders for coming up with these great ideas!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can't wait until the art show

I noticed today that students throughout TALES were getting their characters and settings ready for the Art Show with Ms. Rachel.

I saw a sign posted that says the Art Show will be on Thursday, June 11th after school.

I can't wait until the art show.

Mr. Apple loves art!!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Smoking Stinks!

Today I saw that Mr. Ledesma was teaching TALES students about the dangers of smoking. I'm so glad he's doing that. Smoking stinks!

Check out this website at kidshealth.org

It says that smoking leads to:
- bad breath
- yellow teeth
- smelly clothes
- more colds and coughs
- difficulty keeping up with friends when playing sports
- empty wallet — cigarettes and tobacco products are very expensive!

It also can get you really sick and you could end up in the hospital for smoking. Cigarettes are made with poison so every time you smoke you get poison in your body.

If someone near you is smoking and you breathe in the smokey air, you are also breathing in bad stuff. Next time someone is smoking around you just kindly ask them to stop.

Say something like, Excuse me. Can you please not smoke around me? I'm just a kid and I don't want to get sick. Thank you.

You know who doesn't smoke? Mr. Apple!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Physical Education Tuesdays

I'm excited when it's every Tuesday because I see Mr. Groff and Mr. Ledesma playing with the students and teaching them how to exercise properly.

Did you know that kids have to exercise for one hour every day to stay healthy?

That's a lot of exercise! But, it's pretty easy when you go to a school like TALES.

Exercise is not just doing jumping jacks and pushups. Exercise is also playing. Every time you play on the playground, or run around playing catch, or play modified dodgeball, you are exercising!

So, when you go home, make sure you play some more. But, don't play video games or watch TV - that's not exercise!

Go to the park and play on the jungle gym. Play catch with a ball. Play tag or Duck-Duck-Goose. All these games are a great way to get your exercise.

Mr. Apple has to go exercise too!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Have a happy three day weekend!

School is out and I won't see anyone until Tuesday. It will be lonely with the students and teachers not coming to school for three days. But, at least now I have the animals to keep me company.

Enjoy your three days. Play a lot and stay healthy.

Mr. Apple will see you on Tuesday!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Holy Blood Worms!

For a few days now the scientists at TALES have been observing the African Clawed Frogs that Mr. Ledesma brought in. I have to say, they are amazing animals!

Today the scientists fed them blood worms. Wow! They ate them so fast using their front feet-toes. They kind of looked like Mr. Groff eating his lunch. Really fast eaters!

After writing so much about healthy food though, I wonder if the African Clawed Frogs eat vegetables and fruit. Can someone do some research for me to find out?

Mr. Apple loves his veggies and fruit!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Speaking of Healthy Snacks

I saw students eating healthy snacks with Ms. Elizabeth from Fan4Kids today!

I really like the Shredded Spoonfuls cereal she brought in today. That's one of my favorite cereals because it tastes good and has lots of fiber and it's low in sugar.
It's too bad that today was the last day for Ms. Elizabeth to come to our school this year. I've learned so much about how to eat healthy and exercise.

I really hope we get Fan4Kids next year. Mr. Apple needs to stay healthy too!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ms. Esther's Favorite Fruit

Has anyone noticed that Ms. Esther is always eating apples? I wonder if it's her favorite fruit.

You know what they say,
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Ms. Esther must be really healthy.

Well, writing about eating makes me hungry. Time to go find a healthy snack for me to eat.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I see new animals in the school

Today I noticed we had new visitors. There are new animals in our building!

Mr. Groff seems to have brought in two pet turtles. He has them in a tank in his office. What are their names?

Mr. Ledesma received small frogs today. Will the scientists at TALES be observing frogs now?

I am so excited to learn more about these animals!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Something interesting I saw in 1st Grade Technology

Today I saw something interesting in First Grade Technology.

Ms. C, the first grade teacher, told Mr. Ledesma that the first graders could use a color printer for their All About Books.

The first graders want the kindergartners and other readers to know the real color of the pictures they print up.

I saw the first graders use Microsoft Office Word to type up letters to their principal asking for a color printer for their class.

Mr. T was very nice and wrote back saying that he would look into getting them a color printer.

I can't wait to find out if the first grade class gets a color printer.

Maybe they could print up a picture of me, Mr. Apple!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Introduction

Dear Reader,

I am Mr. Apple! Whenever you see a banner for TALES, a letter from TALES, or signs from TALES you'll probably see a picture of me running.

As the school mascot you'll see me drop by the special events at school so say hello and give me a high five.

I'll write more about me and TALES soon. TALES is such a great school and I'm so happy to be the mascot here.

Mr. Apple