Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What to do when you're sick

Did you notice that Mr. L was out sick yesterday?  He was sick with a cold so he stayed home. 

I talked to him this morning about what's the best thing to do when you're sick.  Here is what he said:

  • If you have a fever, you should stay home.  A fever means you have an infection and can give it to other people.
  • Gets lots of sleep.  Get to bed early and sleep a lot.  Sleep helps your body fight the cold.
  • Wash your hands often.  If your hands have germs from your illness, you can give it to other people.  If you wash your hands a lot, you won't get other people sick.
  • Drink lots of water.  You need water to help your body fight the infection.
  • Take a break from exercise.  If you feel sick, it's best to rest and not exercise.  Although exercise is usually good for you, when you're sick, it can make you feel worse.
  • Go to the doctor if you feel really, really sick.  Doctors can give you the right medicines to make you feel better.

I'm glad Mr. L is feeling a little better and is back in school!

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